Better Lists in Less Time
You type the species, we'll fill in the rest
All in one place. Instead of searching 10+ websites to get all the information you need per species, we provide it all in one place, up to 13 data fields, including family, rank, habitat, and more!
Takes 4-6 hours of searching various websites to compile all the data you need, hope there are no spelling, status, or rank errors that result in client dissastisfaction.
Spend 30 minutes generating a list that you are confident is accurate and compliant, saving budget, frustration, and your credibility.
What is species list pro?
Species List Pro is an online tool that eliminates the need for manual data entry. Used and trusted by environmental consultants, it quickly generates accurate and comprehensive species lists – all you need to do is type in the species name.
FACT: manual entry takes forever and is susceptible to errors
SpeciesList Pro auto-fills 13 data columns for you. The range-checker tells you when something isn't right. Our software saves budget and your credibility.
A small investment to protect your credibility
Premium subscriptions also have access to target species pamphlet generator and the ability to easily collaborate with subconsultants on every list!
FACT: Field work and report writing are easier with SpeciesListPro
It’s that easy. You can join SpeciesList Pro for free and start your first list in a matter of minutes.